Sunday 20 March 2011

Blog Tutorial 4 - report


Create Report Using Report Wizard

To Create Report

v  Click on Report > click on Create Report By Using Wizard

v  Select a table under table / queries > select a field > click > button than click next > you will see a grouping data

v  click on the field to group report data > click next


v  click to sort the data > click on the field to be sorted > click next

v  click on the layout > click on the page orientation > click next

v  click on the that you want to use > than click next

v  type your title > and click finish button

v  click on the Design View Button

To Adding A Picture

v  Click on the toolbar > click add picure > click add location that you want to place your picture > insert picture form will appear > insert the picture that want > save

To Renaming A report

v  Click on the report > right click the name of the report > click on the rename > type the name that you want to type > below you will see the different name.

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