Sunday 20 March 2011

Blog Tutorial 1 - Database

To create Database
v  Go to Start button > click All Program > than choose Microsoft Office > and choose Microsoft Office Access 2003 > you will see the Microsoft Office Access 2003 Database Window below.

Title Bar        - contains control icon, the name of program, minimize, maximize, restore and close button
Menu Bar      - A set of options below the title bar that lead to associated menus.
Tool Bar        - Displays buttons, which provide shortcuts to menus. 

To create New File

v  Click to Create A New File > than select and click on Blank Database > you will find a File New Database Dialog Box > type your database name that you want save eg: week 1 > than click Create to open the database.

Title Bar   - shows the name and file format of the database
Open         - use to work with existing objects
Design      - use to modify existing objects
New          - use to create new objects

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